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Address: Daniela Conte Foundation
64 Randolph Dr.
Dix Hills, NY 11746

No primary drug approvals for rhabdomyosarcoma have occurred in history ever.
Only 8 drugs developed for childhood cancer have been FDA approved since 1978.
No new agents have emerged to be tested in clinical trials for high-risk or relapsed rhabdomyosarcoma in the last 6 years.
Despite that, Childhood Cancer Research is Underfunded
By comparison, 12 or more adult cancer drugs on average are FDA approved annually.
Childhood cancer is the #1 disease killer of children and teenagers, more than any other disease.
Every school day 47 children will be diagnosed with cancer.
Each week, 49 children die from cancer and nearly 40,000 children are in treatment.
Cancer is Killing Our Kids
Before cancer invaded our lives, we didn’t know how pervasive childhood cancer is.
Now we know. And we feel obligated to share what we have learned…

The Result
73% of surviving children have chronic, long-term health issues ranging from infertility to developmental problems to major organ damage to higher risk for secondary cancers, while 42% have life-threatening side effects.